Always Have a Mental Reverse Clause

When life gives us a box of lemons, don’t get upset. Don’t pout. Don’t abandon the box of lemons. Salvage what you can from the situation and move forward.

Alex Dumitru
3 min readSep 15, 2023
Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

From minor inconveniences to profound crises, human experience is defined by its unpredictability. Yet, within the realm of Stoic philosophy lies a timeless and invaluable concept that serves as a guiding light through life’s darkest hours: the mental reverse clause.

Indeed, no one can thwart the purposes of your mind — for they can’t be touched by fire, steel, tyranny, slander, or anything.

— Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 8.41

How does this concept align with modern-day Stoic philosophy? Well, in accordance with Murphy’s Law, which asserts that if something has the potential to go wrong, it is likely to do so, it becomes evident that we ought to maintain a backup plan to our usual emotional reactions, such as anger, anxiety, depression, or rage.



Alex Dumitru

Software Engineer | Part-Time Writer | Read, Write, Learn, Repeat |